Monday, August 16, 2010

First Day Of Thrid And SIXTH Grades!

Is any parent every ready to watch their kids grow, become their own people, and need you less? I think we all know its going to happen, and try to prepare ourselves, but I also think it will always be hard.

Natalie started third grade today! (I started third grade when my family moved from California to Washington, and Ethan started third grade when we moved here!) Ethan is in SIXTH grade! This one still shocks me! One bonus, in Nebraska (and many other places I'm learning), sixth grade is still in the elementary school! Back home he would have been going to middle school this year! Ugh This is really helpful for me because he can walk with Natalie this year, and next year when he rides the bus to the middle school I will be done with school so can figure out how to get Nat to school easier. (Wow, run-on sentence!) I had to convince him last night that it was ok for me to take him on his first day because he wanted to walk with his friends. :-)

And of course, the right of passage in our house, lots of pictures!!!

It is not a photo session if there aren't silly faces!

And a nice one! :-)

Just Ethan. He looks SO much taller than he did even last year!

They really need to stop growing already!

Just Natalie. She chose her first day of school outfit. I'm letting go...I'm letting go...

Cheesy, fake, almost nonexistent smile! haha

And the required mom pics!

There is a real smile! She has been jumping up and down for the last four days being excited for school to start!

More crazy faces!

I'm out of control, I know! They didn't want me to park and walk with them, so I did the drive-through drop off. I'm still taking pictures though!

I hope they have a fantastic first day of school! Its going to be quiet without them at home!

When we went to their open house on Thursday to find out who their teachers are and find their classrooms, the both have really great teachers! Ethan has the female sixth grade teacher which is fantastic! The male is really harsh, yells at the kids a lot, and just someone I don't think Ethan would learn a lot from. Natalie's teacher seems a little more strict than her teacher last year, but still really nice. I think Nat needs that to help her progress. We'll see how it goes!

I can't post first day of school pictures without linking to previous years. Here is last years first day, there are two links. The year before, again two links. And Ethan's first day of second grade! Those are the only ones I still have on my blog for some reason, but they are really fun to look at and shocking at how much kids change in a year or two!

270 days until I graduate!

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