Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Just Writing Today

I'm soooo disappointed! Seriously! When we named Ethan, we thought we were being creative! We hadn't heard of other Ethan's! Then he started school. Every year he has had at least one other Ethan in his grade, if not his class. Most of the Ethan's we hear about are younger...but it still doesn't make me happy! ;-) To top it off, I saw the top baby names of the decade, Ethan was number three (number two for 2009). Horrible I tell you! I guess its just a good name! :-)

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Last night Natalie pulled one of the four teeth out that she needs to get out. Oh the drama! She was so proud to get it out though! She even wrote the Tooth Fairy the sweetest note EVER! It said:
Dear Tooth Fairy. Hope you like it. I did lots of work on it and have three more coming for you! Love Natalie
How cute is that?!?! This morning she got up and showed me what the Tooth Fairy left her (a dollar and some stickers). The looked worried and said:

Nat: Mom can you tell me the truth?
Me: Sure...
Nat: Is there really a Tooth Fairy? Because lots of kids, like Ethan's friends, say that it's just your mom and dad.
Me: Well, hun, what you believe in your heart is what's important...not what some boys tell you.

I didn't know what else to say, but I wasn't lying. I just love how excited she gets, its still so magical to her. I especially didn't want to say "They are right, I'm the Tooth Fairy" just days before Christmas!!! She will find out the truth soon enough, just not today.

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I was at an appointment Monday morning, and as I was talking to the lady helping me (nurse??) she asked me if I was in the military. I said no, but my husband was and asked her why she asked. She said that usually military people write the date with the day, month spelled out, then year (how I put it on the form)...and most civilians just use backslashes. I busted up as I had never thought of that before! It sometimes amazes me how used to the military way of life I am, and how interesting/strange (can't think of the right word right now) it is for others. Ex: I was at least 15 minutes early to my appointment just like I "should" be, and they were surprised! The things people notice always amaze me!

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We have been lucky the last seven year and seven months...Roby has been able to be home with us for every major holiday. This year will be the first year that he won't be here for Christmas (and because of how much he's been traveling I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that he won't be here for at least one of our birthdays). He wasn't scheduled for a trip, but a guy that was was gone last year for Christmas was...Roby volunteered to take his trip so the guy could be home with his family this year. I LOVE that about him, but the selfish in me would rather him be home. Whenever he goes, I tend to try to keep myself busy...and because I'm not in school right now, the kids and I did several pointless errands after he left. (I finally got my required H1N1 vaccine!) I even rented two girlie movies to entertain myself as its been a while since I've been able to just sit and relax! Gotta love the dollar rental machines! Well, between movies, I had to check out who was up to what on FaceBook (because I'm cool like that). The last "new" post was from Roby's mom:
"Am so proud of my son, Robert. He traded missions (Air Force) with another guy so he could have Christmas with his family. Roberts mission starts _______ and he'll be away from his family for the next week. They had a family Christmas yesterday. Love you Robert!"
Yup, that did me in...I couldn't hold back my tears. I try to be a big girl, I know I can handle everything while he's gone...but I like him. Life is just better with him. And while he's gone for the next TWO weeks :-( I'll miss him terribly as I always do.

1 comment:

Mom said...

I'm sorry I made you cry...I'm just so darned proud of you two and want to express it any way I can. Wish I was there to help you through the holidays without him. Bunches of hugs to you and kidlets.