When putting pictures on my computer for this post and tomorrows, I found an additional 150+...this one cracks me up!!!

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Before Roby left, we had a mini Christmas with him. Cinnamon rolls for breakfast, the kids opened about half their presents, Roby all his, and I opened mine from him. We then had yummy meatloaf for dinner (Papa Jim's recipe!). It was a fun day!
The kids were a tad excited to open presents early!!!

Oooo Big present time!

I love the excitement!
Tonight the kids opened their traditional ONE present on Christmas Eve! Because its the same thing every year...they aren't as enthusiastic as they used to be! ;-)
Ethan is still content with PJ's as he always seems to need them!
Reading his shirt.

Nat's fake smile about hers!
Santa gave the kids Reindeer Chow to put outside for the reindeer...but with the negative ten temperature and 25-40 mph winds...we decided it would be ok to leave it by his plate of cookies this year so he could feed it to them (otherwise it would all get blown away!).
Santa asked the kids to only leave him THREE cookies. Ethan decided to give him a sugar cookie.

Natalie and I put chocolate chip on the plate!

Natalie and I put chocolate chip on the plate!

All ready for the big man! Natalie wrote him a note (she's all about notes lately!) saying thank you for the presents, love Natalie.

I finally got them in bed just after 10 pm...and told them that if they didn't go to bed Santa wouldn't come. That, and if they got up too early, they wouldn't be able to open anything because I'd still be sleeping! ;-) I hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas Eve and didn't have too many last minute activities!
1 comment:
as usual the merry applies once a year.
these are so festive it seems like xmas here halfway across the country.
fun to see!
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