...for pictures is my two front teeth!
In less than a week, Natalie lost both her front teeth! I had no idea the second one was so loose...until she walked up to me to show me it was practically sticking straight out! So, I told her that she should totally pull it out now! :-)
Here are a couple pics from the front tooth she lost a month or two ago, that I just found. I just think they are adorable! I would take pics of Ethan losing his teeth too...but losing molars isn't as entertaining! ;-)

And a video, because I was cracking up at her expressions! She doesn't usually talk with her lip up like that! :-)
WARNING: At about 2 minutes there is some blood.
I didn't notice until after putting the video together that they were wearing the same shirt! It must be super comfy!
She was laughing a couple times because she couldn't say the "s" or "f" sounds!


She was supposed to get retake pictures taken at school on Friday...but she threw up Thursday night at like 10. It was a one time thing and felt perfectly fine all day Friday. Oh well. I'm taking her to Super Target tomorrow to get them taken there instead! They are the same price and will most likely turn out better anyway! We just have to capture missing teeth in pictures! (Like I don't enough as it is!) Ethan didn't lose his at the same time, so I'm finding this very entertaining!
After she pulled it out, we were reading her book for reading lab. When she came to the word "spectacular," she couldn't pronounce the "sp," and said she couldn't! She laughed and explained to me and Ethan that she couldn't say the "s" sound with her teeth missing! I thought it was great how she noticed what made it so she couldn't make the sound. (In the video, she was laughing at one point because she couldn't make a f/p sound with her tooth in the way.)
To say the least, I was busing up laughing!
So cute...I will come back to watch the video as not eating breakfast yet the whole loose tooth/pulling out concept is making me a bit nauseous. Love you Nat, you rock the missing two front teeth. I am now on Q-tip to get his second tooth out. The first one is looking extremely crowded.
That is awesome! She looks sooooo much like Ethan in that last picture =]
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