Natalie has had SEVERAL loose teeth for a while now. She lost one a couple weeks ago, and has been working on one of the top-front ones for almost a week now. (I could tell you the proper names if you really want!!!) At a certain point, I get really grossed out that she (or Ethan for that matter) cant clean under the teeth, and tell them that they have by the end of the day to get it out or I will help. It probably isn't very nice, but I also don't think its good for the permanent teeth to start out with a bunch of bacteria next to them. Blech Sooooo, tonight after much girlie drama, Natalie finally got that front tooth out!!! She was sooooo excited to get it out and is thrilled at how it makes a BIG hole with the one below it!

Despite the picture, Ethan was really sweet. He held her hand while she cried, got her a tissue, the baggie, and was making her giggle to get her mind of the pain. Oh the horrible pain! ;-)

I can't wait to see the GINORMOUS teeth that come in to replace it! The teeth on either side are extremely loose as well. I was wiggling the other central tooth and it was making the one she pulled out wiggle! We were all giggling about that one!

They are so sweet to each other! Most of the time! Yesterday we were at the store because I had to get shoes that wouldn't make my feet cramp by the end of the day...Natalie ended up pulling Ethan's hair, so he BIT her. Doesn't remind me of anything Nathan and I did once upon a time or anything... Kids! So funny how they get along fine one minute and are fighting the next!

This week has been a tad stressful. I've already had two BIG tests, and have another on Friday. I got a 90 on the first one. Too bad its a B. But I'm ok with a B!!! I think I did well on today's test despite going having no clue what to expect. The teacher is so scatter brained its impossible to know what he wants. I won't know how I did on that one until this weekend or Monday. For now, I need to get off the computer and study, study, study some more!
1 comment:
Toothfairy time!
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