Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Natalie's Room -- Part Two

Because there was so much brown on the ceiling, I had to pain that as well. I didn't realize that most ceilings aren't plain white, but off white. Now I know...and for now Natalie's room has a very bright white ceiling!

The first purple in Nat's room!

Sooooo purple! I was VERY nervous at this point and wished we had gotten a MUCH softer color.

It doesn't look so dark before it dries!

I decided to leave the window sills white to help them stand out.

All the walls painted with the first coat, now to go around the edges, and do it all over again!

All done!

From the last picture and this next picture, I painted the baseboards white, tore up the carpet, padding, tack strips, staples, etc. The smell and saturation of cat urine was just too much. I'm glad we took it up as most of the cat pee was on the actual tack strips, and no amount of cleaning will get that out of wood!

I did most of the work myself (I was so proud!), but Roby helped quite a bit with the tack strip...that stuff is NOT my friend. I then scrubbed the floor and painted it with Kilz primer to keep any lingering smell down.

It started looking like a little girls room at that point to me!

(The corner door.)

Last Natalie's Room post (for now) tomorrow!

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

What a transformation, that is a total little girls room. Much better. You did good momma!