My chemistry class is keeping me a lot busier than I thought it would. I still have tons of pictures from before we moved even that I would like to eventually post, but I have the feeling that they may get pushed aside. Nothing new and exciting is going on, unless you consider Roby traveling to several new countries and states new and exciting! ;-) He had to take some parts to his jet a couple weeks ago, so flew commercial to Singapore. On his way there, he stopped in Hong Kong, but didn't leave the airport. After spending a day or two there helping fix the several problems, they flew to the Philippines, then to Alaska where they stayed overnight before flying back home. He was gone for just over four days. This was quite a tiring trip for him, and very unexpected! He has some pictures that I will have to steal from his computer when he gets home from his "Alert" trip that he's on right now. Here is an article about it, I think there were other ones, but this is the only one I have right now and I don't want to spend a long time looking it up. Its always entertaining (to put it nicely) how press puts their own spin on things, as the maintenance crew let people know what was going on, but the press made it sound like no one knew!
He flew out the day of my Dental Hygiene orientation, so was unable to attend that with me. I'm feeling a little better about it, but am still extremely stressed and nervous. I still don't have a good idea as to what I'll do when the kids get sick when Roby isn't here. Because I know it will happen. I do have one person that said she'll help. But I also know that she has two small children and that she probably won't want to be burdened all the time with mine. I don't know. Chemistry is going...I have never in my life aspired for such a low grade. I just want to get a "C" or better. I'm hoping for a "B", but if I pass, I'll be thrilled. It is really hard, and all the stuff we are currently doing is considered "review." I don't know how this is review, as the last time I took chemistry was eight years ago! :-) Oh well, it will just require a lot more flash cards and many more study hours! Thus...less blogging! I think this is just the beginning to my blog slowdown.
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I had to have proof that my sweet, prissy little Natalie is not so sweet and prissy when she plays outside!
Just the other night, Natalie ran inside looking for something. I'm not usually a big fan of running in the house, but its summer and I was reading a good book! ;-) She quickly ran back out. Within two minutes, Ethan ran back in and said, "Mom! Natalie caught a frog!!!"
I had to have proof that my sweet, prissy little Natalie is not so sweet and prissy when she plays outside!

Success! Ethan was able to put his hand under the "bug catcher" while Natalie smashed the lid on his hand...I mean closed the lid.
I love this pic!!!

I let her keep the frog in her catcher until it was time to come in. I didn't want it in the house...ewwww! And it was just cruel in my opinion to keep it in that little thing outside! They live under the porch, so I told her that she'd probably be able to catch one again!
Way to go Nat, that is freaking awesome. What a cool little toad you have their.
WOW, go Natalie! I like the last picture, it makes me laugh =]
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