Every time we go to the pet store to get dog food, Ethan sits transfixed with the hermit crabs. He has asked several times if he could get one (or two, but we won't go there.) I saw a habitat an accessories on Craig's List for FREE the other day and called about it. They still had it! The extra shells alone cost 2-5 dollars each! I asked Ethan if he really wanted it (silly question, I know) and wanted to use his money to buy ONE crab and its food. He was all for it! We went to pick up the habitat, then went to the pet store to get his new little creature. After bringing the guy home, cleaning and preparing the cage, Ethan promptly named him!
Eugene Krabs after Mr. Krabs from the show SpongeBob Squarepants! (I was informed that Mr. Krabs' mom calls him "Eugene," thus the hermit crabs first name!)
Eugene Krabs after Mr. Krabs from the show SpongeBob Squarepants! (I was informed that Mr. Krabs' mom calls him "Eugene," thus the hermit crabs first name!)
His habitat.
(I did buy him the "Little Crab Pool" for his "salt water baths" that they need to stay healthy.)
(I did buy him the "Little Crab Pool" for his "salt water baths" that they need to stay healthy.)

Its actually pretty entertaining. He will snap back into his shell real quick at any sudden movements or if any shadows move over him. But he gets back out rather quickly as well.

I picked him up to show the kids that although he has little claws, if they are careful, it won't hurt them. Ethan was soon comfortable, and Natalie wanted a turn. She was ok for about... 0.5 seconds before dropping him. Luckily he was already in his shell and didn't get hurt.

After some talking to, and reminding them of how fragile his body is, which is why he lives in a shell...Ethan wanted to hold him again.

He even started climbing up Ethan's arm! (At which point he fell back into his cage. Which is why I had Ethan hold him over the cage...)
I love his smile!!!

Ethan has been extremely excited about this! We moved him to Ethan's desk as I didn't think having Eugene next to the alarm clock was a super idea. I'm not sure how their hearing is...but I don't think having any tiny living thing right next to an electrical item is great. He has been changing its water and feeding it every day like clockwork...now if only I could get him to do the dishes with such enthusiasm!!! ;-)
I love your new pet. What an awesome name for the little guy =] Even better you got his home for free, it's pretty BA.
That is an interesting pet. Clean, it doesnt stink and is tiny as hell. What a great idea! Have fun with Eugene.
hear hear for craigslist too, huh?
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