This weekend we had a BBQ as a going away party for one of Roby's friends. His friend is getting out of the Air Force, but will be around off and on because his fiance is from here. In the past, I was really quick at getting our house put together, but this move took a a lot longer. This BBQ forced me to get it pretty much done! There are still some pictures that I'd like to put up, and there are lots of boxes of stored things that we need to go through, but the rooms are D O N E!!! In preparation for the party, we received another very generous house warming gift!!! In the process of looking for a grill, we wanted to get one that we could hook up to our natural gas line. Roby got one that the guy at the store said would work, only to come home, open it up, and see on the manual that it wouldn't. After returning it, a little online research, and another trip to the store, we got this bad boy!!! (I think we need to name it!)

I think this is the most elaborate gill we will ever need! :-) He put it together while I was sleeping one evening (because he stays up late on the weekends to stay on his schedule), and used a natural gas conversion kit so we wont have to rent propane tanks.
Grilling some (CHEAP!) burgers and hot dogs at our BBQ.

And now I know to NEVER buy them again! I'll gladly pay a little more to not have all that smoke!
Doesn't he look thrilled?!

OM Gosh, that is so awsome!
Way to funny...I dont know if our burgers smoke so much because I usually turn the grill on low, shut the lid and ocme back in 5-10 to flip them. I am not one to stand in front of the grill but that probably has something to do with the fact not only am I grilling but prep and sides too. I LOVE that grill though, the stainless steel on ours could use a through cleaning cause it is far from pretty like that. Then again, who am I trying to impress with our 3 year old grill...LOL!
Your grill is awesome!!
We use our grill all year & I love it.
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