Saturday, January 14, 2012

Sent Pictures

While the kids were in California, Ethan and Grandma sent me a few pictures!  I was completely thrilled with every picture ('cause I missed them a wee bit).  

The morning we left, I wrote on the little white board we got Nat to keep her entertained that I love her and will miss her.  A few hours after we left I got this picture.

  Rhonda gave the kids some gifts.  Very thoughtful!

There are three pictures I absolutely love that were sent to me.  This one is of Natalie holding a baby duck.  Such a big smile!  She told me over and overall about the little ducks!

Ethan cracks me up.  I missed his face, and this was a good pic (I think Natalie took it).

I sooooo wish I was there for this pic!  I got tears in my eyes when I got it.  Natalie fed some baby goats, and I can tell she was giggling and couldn't stop smiling!  So many great experiences!

1 comment:

88ender88 said...

so glad they got some grandma time and you got some you time :)