Wednesday, September 01, 2010

World Culture Day

First, Happy Birthday Catie Beth!!! :-)

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Another outing Nat's troop went to was a World Culture day that one of the universities in Omaha put on for all the girl scout troops in the area. They had people from all over the world (that either go to school there or live in the area) come to talk to the kids about their culture. It was pretty impressive how many girls were there as well as how many countries were represented!

To loosen things up, they all danced at the beginning!

Visiting different booths.

A lot of the people would write the girls' names or a word on paper for them to keep.

This guy drew original buildings from his culture for them.

A couple places did henna, most of them ran out before our girls were able to do it. We stood in line for a good half an hour for her to get this done! :-)

She was really excited! It lasted for almost a week!

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

Ive never understooh henna but it looks really cool.