Monday, February 15, 2010

Almost 11...What To Do...

Tonight Ethan asked to go to bed early. As he was getting ready to go to bed, he came downstairs and handed me a paper from school. It was from the principals office. He used an inappropriate word at school during indoor recess on Wednesday. It wasn't a bad word...but considering his school is about 20% disabled was completely unacceptable. If he would have given it to me on Wednesday we would have handled it over the weekend. End of story. (They had a five day weekend.)

But no, he didn't want to get in trouble over the weekend, so he decided to hide it in his room and give it to me TONIGHT.


Considering his birthday is on Friday, I'm not 100% sure what to do. I'm VERY tempted to cancel his party! But I don't want to scar him for life over this.

We told him that he had to be VERY good the rest of the week if he wanted to have his party still. His punishment WILL come. Believe me it will! But it'll wait until his after his party if he is VERY VERY good all week.

At the very least, it was his first trip to the principals office and we made him cry about how disappointed in him we are! ;-) Gotta love being a parent. :-(

* * * * * * * * * *

And...I will graduate dental hygiene school FIFTEEN months from today!!! Sounds like forever, this week and last week are not a lot of fun...but the months are counting down!!!


3HappyHippies said...

Good luck with your decision...I must be honest Im not sure I would know what to do in the situation either. Its so much different when its you than when its someone else.

Hooray...15 months! There is an end in sight.

Mom said...

I think you guys are doing the right thing...especially since he cried when you told him how disappointed you are because of this. It shows he has feelings and really cares what you think. Let's hope he's learned his lesson and won't repeat it. FYI, I mailed his present vis UPS ground yesterday. It should arrive before Friday. Hope he likes it!

WOW! 15 months left! Yahoo!!!!


88ender88 said...

AW! haha.
i think you're going about it really well Liss. sneakiness IS frustrating. now you have more than one bad move to deal with. in the end if you can get him to go to you instead of being too scared you're doing something right.

love you!

88ender88 said...

15months! WOOP!