I tried to do some fun things with the kids while we were both on break. I always feel so bad that I'm so busy while I'm in school. I simply don't have enough hours in the day to sleep let alone do "fun" things with them too. :-( Last week on a "warm" day (you know above 20 degrees and sunny), we headed over to the zoo. I told the kids they could each choose two things to see and if we were feeling up to it we could see one or two more after that. (By the time we were done with the four we were all ready to go home to warm up and eat lunch.) Luckily, the four they chose were all in a circle near the entrance and all pretty much inside! Ethan chose the "jungle" and aquarium, and Natalie chose the "butterfly place" and "activity place." We took our time in all the places we went as there weren't as many people as usual and it was nice to just hang out.
The kids looking at a big boar inside the jungle.

I would be content if we only went to the aquarium. I love it! I miss being able to go to Sea World or even the Seattle Aquarium!! The kids will sit in the underwater tunnel for a while, but are soon ready to move on. I think the penguins are my favorite! So fun to watch!!
Natalie telling me about all the big sharks and sting rays she was seeing.

And, last but not least, a video of the kids! I don't know why, but half the time we go to there Natalie will cross this bridge and the rest of the time she wont! What a nut! The end of the video cracks me up! I made them dress super warm because I wasn't sure how much we'd be walking outside. Nat did this by putting leggings on under her jeans...just watch for a giggle. If nothing else, her smile is wroth it! :-)
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