I feel like some of these things I'm making posts on are repeats...if they are sorry! If not, I'm probably feeling that way because I've looked at the pictures over and over thinking that I needed to post them! In mid November the kids' school had the "Pancake Man" come to their school one evening for dinner. It was quite cheap and a fun way for the family to get together and eat together. Roby was gone, so I thought it was even more important that we went!
When we went through the line, Fonda was there getting drinks for everyone. Nikole was with her, so we invited her to eat with us.

As we got to the front of the line the girls decided they didn't want to catch their pancakes, but Ethan REALLY REALLY did! Only a few of the braver kids and adults would ask the Pancake Man to toss their pancakes! Most of the kids would miss about half, the adults only had a slightly better average! I think Ethan only missed one! (He would give them more pancakes after he tossed so many.)
Ethan had a BLAST catching the pancakes! I think that made them taste even better! ;-)

I wasn't expecting much along the lines of quality as the pancakes were being produced so rapidly, but they were pretty good! I ate my whole plate too! If they have him again we will be sure to go! I think the experience is half the fun! :-)
1 comment:
OMG that is A LOT of pancakes. I wonder how many they actually made. How much did this cost? And I agree, the experience is the whole thing. Who catches pancakes at home? Well okay maybe some people do but NOT in this house.
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