Sunday, October 25, 2009

School Update

Get ready for a scramble of words...I need to be studying! ;-)

Last week was a short week because we had our "fall" break (Monday and Tuesday off)...but it was a rough week regardless.

On Wednesday we had a skills test on two instruments (the explorer and probe), recording probe depths (for 1/4 of the mouth), recording any bleeding during probing, and disclosing and recording plaque. I never feel ready for these things. If I'm not good at something I don't feel comfortable with it, and to have an instructor looking over your shoulder with several sheets of paper on a clipboard...well, lets just say I tend to shake. Every three/four weeks the instructors rotate between groups. The one I had for this was either being really nice, or I did better than I thought because I passed them all. Most people in the class didn't pass at least one of the sections. There were a couple areas that I felt like I should have failed...but I'm not going to point those out.

I was pretty stoked that I got an "A" on the previous weeks Histology test. I'm not a fan of that class because his organization is just horrid, but I'll be ok with a 93%!

Thursday in radiology lab, one of the girls in my class that wasn't doing much offered to let me take a full mouth of x-rays on her (20 in all!). For our requirements we need a full mouth, a full mouth with a person missing at least two teeth in a row, several bite-wings (the ones you probably get every time you go to the dentist), one vertical bite-wing, two panoramics (I did one on Ethan already), and maybe something else that I'm not thinking of right now. It's really hard to get the full mouth, and if you aren't lucky enough to have the instructor watch you during that one, you have to get another one. Because I did it during class time, not clinic time, I was able to have them watch! They turned out really well too! I guess I forgot to mention that last week Roby got NO sleep so he could bring the kids in so I could take their x-rays! :-) They were my first patients EVER and were awesome! It took me a LONG time to get Natalie's because she was my first patient, and they wanted me to try and use the larger wasn't going to work. It was hard enough using the smaller one! It was neat seeing Ethan's pano! He has all kinds of permanent teeth forming and starting to come in! Soooo, next week, my group starts taking x-rays on the schools patients in the morning with no instructors around. It'll be interesting to say the least... After those morning clinics, we have the final. If I don't get all those requirements met, I don't know what they expect from me. Hopefully they have enough patients coming in!!!

Friday we had another test in my Principles of Dental Hygiene class. I don't know why I do it to myself, but the only time I studied was the night before. I stayed up until 1am...but ended up getting an 85%. Not horrible, but NOT good. The questions that I missed were things that I know I would have missed even if I would have studied more. They were things that she brushed over so I wouldn't have thought to study further. I think she likes to trick us like that...

But after the test, we used our polisher for the first time. It was nice to use something for once that was somewhat EASY! I wasn't completely stressed the whole clinic time! Then I had to floss my "patients" teeth. It was an odd thing to do! Especially because she hasn't talked to us yet about doing it...just go ahead and do it. That seems to be the theme around our school. ;-) Oh well, it was a decent way to end the week.

Roby's been gone, so I've been trying to fit in studying when I can. I have a HUGE Anatomy of Dental Hygiene test on Tuesday that I need to study all day today and as much tomorrow as I can for. Only seven more weeks of the semester!

The kids still have the cough they had with this "cold/flue" that's been going around. They both had a low-grade fever for several days with it (along with a mild soar throat, and stomach ache). I don't know if its a mild H1N1 or not...doctors one base won't see people unless its serious because they don't want to bring people in for no reason. Each of the kids stayed home for two days (Natalie one week, Ethan just this last week). Before Natalie got sick, Nikole was sick, and both of their second grade classes had about half of the kids out sick. Could just be a seasonal cold...I don't know. We're all popping Vitamin C like its candy! We also drink Danactive Immunity in hopes of it giving us a little extra help. I don't know if it really works, but even if its a mental boost, I'm ok with it.

I'm trying to think of anything else that's going on...pretty much school and more school around here. My friend Steph finally gave in and got a puppy!!! She promised to post pictures soon! ;-) My other friend Haley from back home is leaving for Africa with the Peace Corps on the 9th/10th of November! She's going to start a blog soon, and I'll link to it once she does. She has a wish-list on amazon of things she could really use while there if you are interested in helping her out, here is the link. She has always been there for me, baby/wedding showers, I got her a couple things off the list already! :-)

Now, to go study...the story of my life for the next 18 1/2 months!

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

Your life if so busy, if you used your blog like a diary Im not sure you could ever stop blogging. I dont know how you do it. I am so proud of you! I am extremely impressed with your determination and perseverance. You are freaking awesome woman and I want you to always remember that.

I will check out the link for your friend and LOL when you mentioned S'mores. I caved, I totally caved and he is awesome. I dont know what I ever did without him.