The leader giving a short background on Girl Scouts.
Natalie lighting her little candle and saying her part of the ceremony.
Natalie "swearing in." I love her little excited jump and smile at the end of the video.
After all the girls got their medals and badges, they made a "unity circle" or something (I can't remember...this is why I should try to blog more often), and rotated out.

Lots of big smiles!

So excited to have her first badge!!!

Roby got off Alert that day, so he was able to go! Natalie was beyond thrilled about it!!! (She worried the whole week before that he wouldn't be home on time.)
That is too damn cute. Why is it every time I see your kids do something cool and fun I want to cry? They are growing up and I feel like Im totally missing out on it. I know Im psycho. I am so happy she is happy so maybe these are tears of joy. Go Nat, you're a girl scout!
You can tell how happy she is in those photos, I love it!
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