We are all (except maybe Roby when its time to mow) loving the backyard. Its quite a bit bigger than at the last house, and lets face it, we've still only had our own yard for just under two years! The grass is so nice, but grows really fast. Having the fence is great with the dogs! We would have had to put something up ourselves, so I'm glad it was already here! I did section off part of the yard for the potty area. If I'm not out there, though, they do still tend to go wherever they want. Whatever, they are just dogs!
View from our back deck.
Direct TV dish...I wonder if I should call them to have them come get that?? And dog shampoo on the railing from giving the dogs a bath!
Direct TV dish...I wonder if I should call them to have them come get that?? And dog shampoo on the railing from giving the dogs a bath!

See the black garden fence? That's the dog "potty area." I think I could have made it a little smaller...but its there, and it was a pain to put in the ground!

We have a family of frogs living under our deck. Whenever I water our flowers (or what I hope will someday grow...) they scare me because they blend in with the dirt so well! The kids think its great and try to catch them every time they see them...but they just hop back under the deck!

We are getting close to the outskirts of our town. There are only a few houses past ours in our housing area. Then just another small housing area beyond that before open fields (probably all corn!!!).

It is such a quiet neighborhood!!! I went door to door this afternoon to warn our neighbors about the BBQ we're having next weekend. All were home except two. It was quite awkward in case you were wondering!!! They were all like, "Oh, that's cool, have fun!" Or, "Didn't you hear that party a few houses down last weekend?!" I think we'll be good, but I also think they all appreciated the heads up.
I would never have given our neighbors a heads up, maybe thats why Retired AF guy seems to hate us so much. Not that we've done anything all that exciting besides Q-tips birthday and yard work but whatever.
Your yard is a good size, thats cool. How nice of you guys to go around the neighborhood.
I would try calling Direct TV, but they probably won't come get it. At least let them know that you're taking it down and will dispose of it if they don't come get it.
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