As I was going through pictures, I noticed that I hardly took any of the actual move. This is probably because we were so dang busy! We had planned to move on Saturday and Sunday. Because we were at the new house cleaning so late that Friday, Fonda took both the kids to her house to spend the night. It was super helpful as we were there until almost midnight. Roby and I got up early and started grabbing all those little things that can't really get packed. He started taking loads of boxes over in a borrowed truck. I started taking loads of clothes, electronics, and other smaller things over in the Explorer. We had two guys from his shop help for 4-6 hours (I can't remember how long). One of the guys owns a big trailer. Practically a U-haul. It was great! They loaded that bad boy up twice and moved all our big stuff plus a bunch of the boxes. We worked for about 14 hours that day and got about 90% of our stuff moved. We are very happy we did that as we were concerned about the weather. If you remember back, we had a 40-60% chance of rain/thunder storms both days. We got sprinkled on and had a few scattered showers on Saturday...and it poured almost all day Sunday.
We did have Nikole with us most of Saturday as Fonda had a ceremony she was part of.
The girls trying to keep busy.
The girls trying to keep busy.

Natalie putting her clothes back on hangers (some of them fell off in the process of getting from one house to the other).

And that's all I have for moving pics!!! I know, surprising for me, huh?!
I think moving yourself takes a lot more energy so not having many moving pics makes complete sense. I took a ton of pictures during our PCS, as you did, to keep myself busy and from going insane. You had a lot more hands on to do this time.
Sounds like a VERY EXHAUSTING day but had to be done. Moving is sooo much work, but once your done (sometimes) it always feels nice. That's cool you had help and Roby's friends big truck was a major help I bet.
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