Saturday, May 30, 2009

50 To 5,000,000

I think that's how much my stress level changed last night. (And that is why this blog is going to be sooooo scattered!)

I went to the Dental Hygiene orientation. It has felt like it would never come! Everyone seemed excited and nervous to be there. Just like I was.

We were given all kinds of information about the program. We even have two full textbooks that we have to read and do assignments on this summer as we have tests over them the first week of school. Seriously.

We were told how hard it was going to be. How we need a good back-up system, especially for those of us with kids. We can't miss a day unless we cannot physically make it into class. If our kids are sick, oh well. If our car dies, find a way. If we are throwing up, take a bag.

We were informed of how much more money it was going to cost than we thought. Super.

Then, to push the stress up a few notches, they brought in students that have been in the program for a year now. They again told us how hard it is. How they don't spend any time with their kids/husbands/friends. How they have to literally schedule an hour a day in for their families or it won't happen. How the husband has to step up and take on so much more work around then house and with the kids. How their mother-in-law/sister/cousin has helped so much with their kids over the last year....wait. What??? What am I supposed to do? I'm not from here. I don't have family here. Let alone a network of friends that could possibly help me out if the kids are sick and Roby's not here. He doesn't leave all the time (about two weeks every other month--often more). But the military comes first, like we know; he left yesterday morning with less than 24 hours notice. To say the least, I'm stressing and have thought of no logical solution.

A few weeks ago, I called the family childcare office here and asked them if they had any kind of "sick care" program. (For kids who are too sick to be at school, but aren't really that sick.) Nope. Especially not for school age kids. They pretty much laughed at me when I told them the age of my kids.

My "Big Sis" told me to spend the summer "making friends" and searching for that backup that I need...because I'm going to need it if I'm going to make it through the program.

Not only is it a Monday through Friday program, but we will also be going to meetings/events in the evenings and on weekends at times as well. Towards the end we will have a community project that will take around 50 hours to complete.

These are just things I'm thinking of right now, I have so much more written down and on papers they handed out (Its almost 1am and I didn't sleep much last night worrying about Roby's trip--not like I'm going to sleep much now, still worrying about him not being where he's going yet.)

My two major stressers--finding the massive amounts of $$ I need (most of which the FIRST week of school), and how am I going to find a support system when we've already been here two years and I have one friend and NO extended family here???

UGH Ok, rant over...

One plus,

I looked up the starting wage for a Dental Hygienist in our area on the Bureau of Labor Statistics website, and its over $26 an hour or just under $55,000 a year. That makes getting loans out not quite as scary. But not much.


3HappyHippies said...

OH MY GOODNESS chica this is insane. What are you going to do? I wish I was there to help. I know Im no help here and so that really sucks. I have no advice what so ever (yeah I suck) because if I was in the situation I would totally be freaking out too. That are awesome, a great mom and f*ing brilliant so I have the utt most faith that you will make it through just fine. It will all be OK. This is a big decision but one you have not taken lightly. I know that you will find a solution to any problems or issues that may arrise. You CAN do it!

Morgan said...

WOW, that is some crazy stuff. I hope everything works out great, which I'm sure it all will. Everything happens for a reason. Best of luck.

88ender88 said...

hey, i'm up at random O'clock and saw this. wouldn't want to bug you if you're being able to sleep, but want to talk to you so hit me up when you get a chance.
i know that if you decide to follow through, you can make a system to make it happen liss. you've been through hard times and always held steady. you're surely not lazy which is what they're trying to scare you out of being if you're going to do this.
you have sweet well behaved kids and a loving husband whom i'm sure will support you if you enlist them to. even when it's hard. tell them how important it is to you to do this, make some time frame goals so you can all feel the progress and work through it as a family.
we all want to help how we can, which isn't much i'm afraid.
maybe frickin find out what you need the money for (like books or tuition stuff or whatever)and we can try to get some of them for you er?...
so how long do you have, what do you need?

love you!

and congratulations on making it, you're a badass!!