Friday, April 10, 2009

Getting Things Done

I still haven't gone through any pictures. Probably won't be able to for a while. I finished this weeks worth of homework last night. That always feels good! I'm going to try and get some of next weeks done today as well. If I can get ahead now, I'll have less to do in the midst of moving!

This morning I was able to set up our electric and trash/recycling. They wouldn't let me set up gas/water as Roby will have to do it. I also scheduled for our tv/internet to be changed to the new address. The guy I talked to about it was happy that I called so early, as the previous person he spoke with yelled at him as they wanted their services connected the next day. What can I say, I'm a planner and don't like to leave things to the last minute! (It only took two hours to get those things done!)

Everything still looks good for us to close on the house two weeks from today! I had to get a bunch of paper work to turn in earlier this week, which took quite a bit of running around...more time than anything (much of which was spent on the phone).

I haven't gotten any more packing done since last weekend. I'm planning on doing the basement this weekend (with Roby's help, now that he's back!). Besides the basement, though, there really isn't much else we can pack until right before we leave.

We have the "pre-inspection" on our house here on Tuesday. A guy will come and look around, then tell us what we need to do before we move out and what we will get charged if we don't do those things. I'm hoping to get some "extra" cleaning done before then so maybe he'll be a little more lenient. We'll see!

TWO more weeks!!!

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

That is so cool, the next two weeks will hopefully fly by. Worst case they drag but lets hope not. Because you dont want to hear this...mine dragged. And dragged and dragged. It freaking sucked!