I have finally decided on a color for Natalie's room. I think. After much seven-year-old debate, she decided she didn't want a pink room after all. I put various colors of pink and purple up on her wall to give her an idea what colors actually look like (I'm not usually one to paint!), she sat there for a while looking at it, then goes:
"When I look at the pink my head goes 'AAAHHHHH!!!' and when I look at the purple it goes 'ahhhhhhh'. I think I want a purple room."
If you understand the difference in "Ahhh's" then you know how hilarious that is coming from a little girl...if not, then I'm guessing you had to be there! Then came the decision of what color of purple. Believe me, there are plenty! This is the final selection:

Pictures can never do a color swatch justice.
I would like to do something besides just plain ol' one color...but I don't know what to do. I'm greatly considering "wall graphics." These are like window clings for your walls. You peal them off, stick them an a wall, then can peal them right back off to reposition or completely take off. There are a couple I found on HomeDeopt.com that I like...but would have to look a little more before deciding...because I'm like that (and even buying two packs still keeps the price on the reasonable side!). The more I look into fixing up Natalie's room (lets face it, it can't stay poo brown), the more I wonder what a ten year old boy would want...and then I'm completely lost!
I dont know jack about little girl rooms but those flowers look cute and able to grow with her. Think outside the box if you want WOW but know that WOW can mean a lot of work, time, money and may not be so easy to change back (um hello BDU is WOW and NOT going to be fun to change). Simple is good, I like simple. Those stickers are cute and I know there are TONS online as well. Take your time and find just what you like. The more you like, the longer you will enjoy it.
As for Ethan, ask...if that doesnt work consider what he likes, what you like and go from there. His room can be very simple as he will be a teen (OMG did I just type that) and wont give a damn what his room looks like. He is a boy after all.
That's funny about the different ahhhs's :]
That color of purple looks really pretty. I bet your soooo excited about the house, as you should be (YOUR BUYING A HOUSE, THAT'S SOOOOO AWESOME). Congrats again.
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