Thursday, April 16, 2009

Happy Easter! -- The Hunt (AKA Picture Overload)

Once again, I should have split this into separate posts. But whatever. I started loading pictures and didn't stop! That, and I wanted to get them posted and out of the way! I have some pictures of them opening the eggs that I'll try to get posted tomorrow...but after that, no promises on posting pictures until after we move. If I do, think of it as a bonus! ;-)

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For our Easter egg hunt and dinner, we went over to Fonda's. She has a much bigger yard, and its always more fun if you add more people! The day before I took over the eggs and supplies (aka candy) I had purchased, as well as eggs I discovered from last year. She also brought out eggs, candy and a couple little things to put in the eggs. We had a LOT of eggs to fill! The kids played outside while we stuffed the eggs. Easter day, the kids and I went over a little before noon. The kids were told to play in Nikole's room while Fonda and I "hid" the eggs. After a while, though, there was no hiding to it, we were throwing the eggs in the middle of the yard! But with three older kids, I think it worked out ok, as they were still done with the hunt fairly quickly!

First rule. They had to keep their eyes closed until we went outside. To prevent injury off the bat, we had them promise to only look at the steps while we went down.

Keeping their eyes closed until she said, "GO!"

And they're off!

Nikole ran, while my kids simply grabbed eggs right where they were!

Ethan found at least six eggs in those bushes.

Natalie seeing what all the fuss was about. (Don't mind so many blurry pictures...I forgot to change a setting. The one down side to my camera is that I often tend to do this.)

I love the excitement!

She sees something!

Girly run! Girly run! Girly run!


Off to another egg.

Unlike the girls who tended to follow each other, Ethan did his own thing.

Then spilled them all...


It didn't take him long to pick them up!

See what I mean...constantly following each other! We had to remind them that there were eggs all over the yard!

I love how into it he was this year! So competitive!

Ooooo Look at that face!

And he's off in another direction!

Seeing if she can get in on some of the egg action Ethan discovered.

Delicately prancing along the edge of the yard. I don't know where she gets it! ;-)

Finally realizing that there are eggs IN the trees as well.

Only Ethan was tall enough to get a couple of them.

Toward the end...checking out the bushes to see if they missed any.

Still determined to find more eggs.

She's cute! :-)

Fonda helping out.

I think they had fun!!! I also think I went a little overboard on the pictures, but thats ok...I like pictures! :-)

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

So what if you took a lot of pictures, I LOVE pictures! The expressions and actions are hilarious. OMG Nat is so girly, that CRACKS me up. What a great hunt, maybe I will do an outside hunt next year. I totally had it in the plans but never got around to it. So fun!