Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where Has The Time Gone???

Ten years ago we could hardly have imagined the young man we now have. He is so amazing, I feel lucky to have him, and wouldn't trade a second of my life with him! I won't write much, words can't express how I feel today...instead I'll share pictures. Its what I do best it seems!

Our first glimpse.

So nervous...

Overjoyed. Overwhelmed. Filled with a love we never knew was there.

One day old.

New parents getting ready to take our precious Ethan home for the first time.

So tiny, so fragile.

Those tiny hands grew so quickly!

His first birthday!

First hair cut!

Second birthday.

Kissing his baby sister.
(This was not long before I went into the hospital with her, must have been around Jan/Feb. '02)

His day-care provider (and one of my best friends' mom) helped celebrate Ethan's third birthday as I was in the hospital and couldn't.

When he came to visit me, I had a small gift for him!

Seeing his little sister for the first time!
Look at those dimples!

Such a good big brother!

He turned four soon after we moved to Germany.


On his sixth birthday I had lunch with him at school!

Being silly with his birthday hat!

Ethan and Natalie being goofballs before his sixth b-day party.

Seventh birthday party!

On his seventh b-day we were in France for a hockey game!

(I couldn't find 8 yesterday.)

It seems like he just turned 9 a few weeks ago!

And today, my baby boy is 10!
(He requested cinnamon rolls for breakfast!)


Anonymous said...

Elissa, how the heck did I not know you blogged!! I saw your mood on myspace this morning and recognized the blogspot address. I can't believe your son is 10! He sure is cute.

I too blog, no kids for us so mostly just about life and keeping my out of town family & friends updated on what's going on. Such a small world. Have a great day.

Morgan said...

I'm such a dork, I was gonna leave my blog sight for ya on the last comment :]

3HappyHippies said...

Wow sweetie, 10 years old! A very happy birthday to you Ethan, I hope its awesome.

I will continue to be amazed at how much kids grow but still look exactly like they did as babies.

Tasmomma said...

He is such a handsome young man now! I can't believe its been 6 years since our little men were 4 and buddies in preschool! I'm gonna cry cause T's next! He is driving us CRAZY over what he wants to do for his birthday...his favorite suggestion is Disneyland! (like we are so rich...) Anyway, Happy Birthday a day late Ethan!
(T saw this and he wants me to make sure I say that he remembers you Ethan :) )