Yesterday Ethan seemed to have a fabulous day! He was giddy all day, which made the rest of us feel the same! We started the day eating those cinnamon rolls he requested, then headed out to school. Although it felt like it was 3 degrees, it was sunny which helped!

I didn't tell Ethan that I'd come have lunch with him, but I've been planning on it for quite some time. As I waited in the office for his class to come in from recess to get in line for lunch, in walked Ethan. With his eye closed. What now?!?! A kid wasn't paying attention and had kicked a 4-square type ball that hit Ethan in the face. Because of the cold, it stung pretty bad and had swollen almost instantly. She gave him some ice until the bell rang and we left to get in line for hot-lunch. (He went back after lunch because the swelling had continued and would be able to take the ice pack with him to class.)
Because he was at the nurse, he was one of the last people in line (out of seven classes). I was worried that he wouldn't have enough time to eat!
(This picture was after waiting in line for at least five minutes.)
(This picture was after waiting in line for at least five minutes.)

Requesting to not have mixed fruit
(After seeing it on other kids' plates, I wouldn't want it either!)

When I got home after doing a few errands, I noticed that two of the bulbs we had planted when Grandma Nan visited have started to grow!
Spring must be on its way!!!

When we were on our way home from school, Ethan got a call. He cracks me up when he talks on the phone!!! His giggles and expressions are great!
Before dinner we let him open his cards that people sent and his presents from us.
Natalie made him a card at school and wrapped it many times with tissue/paper towels!

Listening to Roby as he read the card from Great Gma Harris (she's helping him open his own savings account!).

More tomorrow!
1 comment:
It sounds like he had a great day. I hope it was memorable and that this weekend just tops the 10th birthday experience off. Happy birthday big guy!
Did he get lots of calls or texts?
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