Saturday morning, I looked out the window and saw sun! The forecast said cloudy days all weekend, so I was thrilled to be able to take advantage of it! My friend, Fonda, lives a couple miles from us. (In a housing community, not military housing! Big difference!) She has a nice park near her, so I asked if I could take her daughter with us to go take pictures. It was about 10 degrees out, so I had all the kids bundle up with long undies, pants, extra socks, etc. I didn't care what they were wearing, I just wanted to take tons of pictures and have the opportunity to think about what I was doing and how I was framing the shots. I honestly think I was the only one that minded the cold! They were all thrilled to be playing outside!!! (At school, they can only go out if its above 25/ hasn't been that warm, besides a day here and there, for a while!) I guess I don't have much to say about most of them. They were having fun...and so was I!!! Some of the pics are pretty cool, others, not so much. But that's part of learning! Thank goodness for digital cameras!

1 comment:
Im actually impressed by your photos, always have been. I like these whether you like them all or not.
So I keep reading how cold it is there and so when I heard the grumpy old man complain to his wife last night at Whole Foods about making him stand in the cold for to long I just rolled my eyes. Cold, ha ha ha, they dont even know what cold is. Then again neither do I and Im not to keen on finding out any time soon. Stay warm!
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