Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Christmas -- Spoiled Kids Part 2

A few more gifts that people sent! Man...you'd think these kids were loved or something!!! ;-)

Before she opened the box, she asked, "What is it??"

She quickly learned that such boxes hold very pretty things!!! She felt extremely lucky to get such a pretty necklace!!! (That she wore all day!!!)

Such a boy! Thrilled about getting a flashlight!
(Now they can stay up all night with their own flashlights and I won't have to worry about them running out if batteries!)

Carefully cutting the ribbon.

Deciding which one to open first.

Ooooo A VERY cool book!
He looked through the pages four hours and, with my help, folded many paper things and learned all kinds of stuff. This is just his kind of book!

Hannah Montana!!!

"These shirts are cool!"

Hello Kitty!
Aunt Shastyn knows just what a little girl likes!!!

More to come!

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

Presents are awesome!