I'm sure dragging these Christmas posts out, aren't I?! The main reason is that I'm sewing Ethan's quilt (which I'll get around to posting about someday!)...so haven't actually gone through all the xmas pics yet. :-)
For today, I'll just post what the kids gave to each other. They each chose and wrapped a present for the other. Believe me, a lot of thought when into these gifts at the store...and almost as much time was needed to wrap them!!!
I think he was already tired of pictures! ;-)

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As we were eating breakfast this morning, we were talking about Natalie's Easy Bake Oven from Santa. After talking about the various items Nat will be able to bake, Ethan says, "Good thing it was free!"
Natalie's reply: "It wasn't free! You have to be good to get presents from Santa!"
Good girl Natalie! I love your logic!!!
1 comment:
That is freaking AWESOME! She is so smart! I wish my kids would get that point...lol
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