Roby called a few minutes ago to tell me that he'd been rear-ended on the way to work. He was only a mile away from home. It is currently below 30 degrees F, and extremely slick outside. This is a day that I'm glad our only vehicle is an SUV!!! (Image found on internet search...not our truck.) He said that everyone was fine, and the truck has very little damage. (The back bumper and trailer hitch.) I just called him back to see if he had taken pictures, and the police were just arriving. Just minutes before, up the road from him was another three car accident...
For sure "a case of the Monday's" all around!!!
Picture he took with his camera.
Picture he took with his camera.

Well, there goes his slush fund. Out Toyota bumper cost over $1,000 to replace and we didn't have a trailer hitch.
Sad day.
That blows! I hope it doesnt cost much to fix. J took the jeep in today and the money for this is outrageous. It seems he needed some brake work and a leak fixed in the transmission, not fun.
Oh man. This is what I hate about snow and ice. I'm glad everyone is okay and I hope the fender doesn't end up costing too much.
Thank you all for your concern! I too am extremely happy it was as minor as it was!
As far as my thinking process goes, the person (or their insurance) that ran into our vehicle should be responsible for the cost of fixing it...if not, then I don't understand insurance at all!
Wow! Glad it wasn't any worse...hope the other guy HAS insurance! If not, hope you guys have non-insured motorists. Keep me posted!
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