Thursday, January 10, 2008

Christmas Morning--Santa Came!!!

Because I have so many pictures that I would like to share, I decided to break it up a bit. I tried (and sometimes failed because the kids are too quick!) to take pictures of everything that friends/family sent. If you sent something that I forgot to post, let me know and I'll look to see if I was able to capture it! And, once again sorry for the weird color/shadows on several of the pictures.

Ready?! Let the picture overload begin!


What was left of Santa's cookies and milk Christmas morning.

When Ethan first woke up and saw that Santa had come.

Spying the presents under the tree!

So excited! He can't wait until Natalie and Dad get up! I told him that we had to wait until 7:30 to wake anyone up.

Trying to wake Natalie up.
"Santa came...Natalie, Santa came!"

Still trying to wake up...

Ethan: You got an elephant.
Nat: Can I dad awake?
Me: Not yet honey.
Ethan: Can we go wake him up?!
Cheesy grin!
Nat: Can I go look at my stocking?

Nat: Santa left us presents...I hope I get a stroller!

She can hardly wait to dig into her stocking and presents!

Don't you just love her posture?! I wish mine was that good!

Checking out the loot.

Figuring out what is for who...

Its Christmas! Better take the "golden ring" off!
Roby couldn't sleep through the excited whispers any more and came out only 15 minutes after waking Nat up.

Finally, time for the stockings!

Little drawing things.

Pretty darn pleased with what he's gotten so far!

They kept steeling my Rubik's Cube, its a good thing Santa brought them their own!

Mmmmm Red Vines

And now for the presents from Santa!

A baby!!!

Yessss, Hot Wheels track!

I just love her face in this one!

A stroller! He remembered!

More car tracks!

So happy!!!
Seriously people, we could have stopped there and they would have been happy! But no, there was more, lots more! I'm going to get something to eat for lunch, then try to edit then add more pics! I will get them all posted!!!

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

I absolutely love Nats "I hope I get a stroller" that was cracking me up!