Thursday, January 10, 2008

Christmas Morning--Presents Part 2

This picture I will share who its from! Natalie chose to give Ethan Lego's because she knows how much he loves them!

The perfect gift from your little sister!

And this was from Ethan! He wanted her to have her own chair in his room so they could watch movies/play video games more comfortably.

I think she looks pretty happy about that idea!

We'll have to wait until it warms up a bit to use our new version of Blongo Ball.

More toys for the puppies!

Ooooo Spider man!
The new Barbie!

See his fake excitement about getting The Karate Kid?! hee hee

But wait...there is something cool taped on the back!

If only I would have known before that she would be this excited about a "big girl" tea set!!!

His big present!

He really was extremely happy to get this!!! ;-)

Look what I can make!

A table for her room! What she "always wanted!!!"

Ooooo A gift card to Toys R Us!

Making sure to read his card.

She did read her card, but she was really happy about getting her own money too!

Gift cards all around!

Thank you to everyone who sent the us happy holiday wishes, cards, or gifts. It was greatly appreciated (and played with!)!!


I didn't take as many aftermath pictures this year as I did last really wasn't that bad. Maybe it has something to do with the kids getting older and a few less things that we have to put together right now!! Ethan put most of his Lego sets together (I do have a few pics of Roby helping him with the big set), and Natalie only needed help opening toys. They had a lot of fun, and seemed very happy with everything they got! (They better be!!!) I'll look back for more pictures to post from the following days tomorrow or early next week.

Hope your eyes are still working after all those pictures! :-)

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

These are all so great. What a fabulous Christmas morning.

I think its good to get back to the roots of your blog, I want to do the same. Mine is a journal for us, a scrapbook so to say and I feel I have totally lost that. Your blog is quite similar and totally awesome for just that.