Thursday, November 01, 2007

Halloween Parties

I know I take way too many pictures, and probably post more than most people care to see...but I can't help it! My blog started out with more pictures than writing and it will probably stay that way, so from now until March, be prepared to see lots and lots of holiday and birthday pictures!!! (And probably lots of little video's too!)


The kids' school had a Halloween Parade an hour before school got out. The whole school walked through the gym to show off their costumes before heading back to their classes for food and games. It was a great idea and fun for everyone to see the variety of costumes the kids had! I decided that with Ethan being in third grade it might be one of the last times he welcomes me into his I would join his class' Halloween activities. He was really excited about this because I have been going to Natalie's class once a week for the last six weeks or so. I got there right as they were getting ready for the parade. (I had the kids wear last years costumes so they didn't ruin their new ones before trick-or-treating last night.)

Ethan with a group of girls! :-)

Lining up in the hall waiting for their turn to go.

Natalie's class walking by!

A sumo wrestler and a ballerina!

Ethan's mask got "hot" after a while.

I was impressed by this one...although I'm not sure how comfortable the kid was...

Back in class, this is how Ethan impresses his friends! Right after he did this, the girl he sits by did the same thing! They were both busting up!

Swarming the treats!

As Ethan's class started grubbing, I couldn't help running to the other end of the school to see what Natalie's class was up to. Dancing! One of her favorite past times! (She's on the far left side of the pic.)

Getting in a circle to play a game.

I'm not sure who the lady that came to their class with the game was, but the kids seemed to have no idea what to do! (See video below!) Although they did enjoy passing the Icky Hand!!!Pass the Icky Hand Game

Back in Ethan's class they had just started Toilet Paper Mummies. It was funny to watch a bunch of eight year olds trying to wrap each other up without breaking the paper! They were having such a good time! I couldn't resist taking video of it!!!

Almost done!

Playing Pumpkin Seed Pick Up

Bubble Blowing Contest

Time to go home, one last silly Ethan pic!

There's my princess!

I think they had a great time at school yesterday!!!


dawn224 said...

yay! so much fun!

3HappyHippies said...

Hey I wish I could have gone, that looked like a lot of fun. The TPing of Ethan was pretty funny but that pumpkin seed pick up was way to easy for him. I LOVE the videos, so glad you are adding them.

The last picture of them together is really neat. Elementary school rocks!