Friday, October 19, 2007

Lazy Day With No School

The kids didn't have school today, so have been lounging around watching cartoons most of the morning. Nat has been playing with my laundry basket the last couple days, so I couldn't resist taking a picture of her laying in it this morning!.


3HappyHippies said...

a laundry basket?! that is too funny. I love the pics. A day of jammies and cartoons, totally awesome.

Patty said...

I wonder what it is about a clothes basket that kids love to sit in them. Our Granddaughter use to love to not only sit in it, but wanted her aunt to push her around the house in it. I suppose that was the fun part.

Anne said...

laundry basket shots are the BEST! Tehy will be so amazed when they are adults to see how little they once were!