The kids' conferences were last night. I don't know why I get nervous before them, but I do. I just want my kids to be doing well, learning, not being obnoxious, not getting into trouble, etc.
On the walk home I felt much better!
Natalie's was first, and went fairly well. She still has a hard time remembering to take care of herself instead of the people around her. Ethan had issues with this until last year, so whatever. She does talk when she isn't supposed to quite often...but if these are the "problems" she is having in school, I am not worried! When she was "tested" to see what letters/numbers/shapes she recognized, she didn't do all that well. Which surprised me because she has been doing so well at home! Her teacher suggested to work on all of her letters and numbers 6-20. Last night we whipped out the letter flash cards, and she only didn't know 4/5... hmmmm We'll keep it up regardless. I got her report card, but no other papers to share (most of her work comes home every day, or at the end of the week...I need to remember to post some sometime).
Then we headed over to Ethan's. I have only seen his teacher once, at the open house, and of course he wont tell me much about I pretty much had no idea what was going on in his class or how well he was doing. We sat down at a table and his teacher asked him to read his self evaluation that he did that day. I thought this was a really cool idea, to get the kids to look at their work/school style and then chose one of three marks to give themselves.

His teacher kind of laughed at his response for what he could work harder on because she said that he almost always uses his time well and hardly ever talks when he shouldn't. She then showed me his reading evaluation. The highlighted ones are where he is, and by the end of the year she wants him to have all 1's or 2's highlighted...looks like he's on the right track! Considering he was having a hard time reading last year, I am extremely happy! Finding books that your child is interested in and wants to read makes a HUGE difference!

She went over other areas they are working on also, and he is doing really really well! Third grade is so much different than second! I'm sure I said that last year about first grade, but they grow and learn so much every year its amazing to see! --On the way out she said that when he does talk he is usually telling her about things that go on in his riding his scooter, his dogs, etc. She said she loved hearing him talk about the things he enjoys! Very cool coming from his teacher!

She went over other areas they are working on also, and he is doing really really well! Third grade is so much different than second! I'm sure I said that last year about first grade, but they grow and learn so much every year its amazing to see! --On the way out she said that when he does talk he is usually telling her about things that go on in his riding his scooter, his dogs, etc. She said she loved hearing him talk about the things he enjoys! Very cool coming from his teacher!
It sounds like you had some great conferences. I very proud of both of your little people. Good job guys.
Sounds like Ethan and Natalie are pretty typical kids. I'm glad Ethan is doing so well. Roby was the class clown and had a hard time settling down. Natalie's testing issue could be carried down from me. I AWAYS go brain dead and do horrible at tests! Catie does it, too. It's a hard thing to get over. I try to encourage Catie to not fret and just do her best.
Hugs to all,
I did get a squirrel proof thing and it works. It is a large circular plate and the food goes under that. There is no way for the squirrel to get over it to the food.
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