Monday, September 20, 2010


Why do eleven year old boys thing its necessary to argue with every word their parents say? Its not just me, he does it to both of us! I know its just going to get worse, but dang, that boy thinks he is right about every little thing and swears I never said anything I've said over and over and over. (Example: I said, "Hang up your jeans that you got from the basement"...five times between yesterday and today. He swears I asked him once.)

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Why was it 55 degrees yesterday and 94 today? That is just inhumane!

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Why do our kids keep growing? Natalie has been asking to not use her booster seat for months. I kept telling her I would look into it to find out how tall or how much she would have to weigh to not use it. I took her in this morning for an allergy appointment...and she's 4'3" tall and 58 pounds. I looked up different states regulations. Nebraska seems pretty liberal about the booster seats compared to other states. Their only regulation is that kids sit in a booster until six years old. Other states have height and weight regulations: one standard is 4'9", many states have a 60 pound minimum. I just took her out to the car to see how the seat-belt would fit without the booster. It still cuts across her neck and sits too high on her belly. That and her legs aren't near long enough to sit with her bottom against the back of the seat. I explained all this to her, then sat in the seat so she could see how it is supposed to fit. After that I had her sit in her booster to show how well the belt fit. She's still bummed, but seems to understand it better now. I did get a little choked up thinking that she wont be using it pretty soon. Just another reminder that our kids aren't little anymore!

235 days until I graduate!

1 comment:

Mom said...

Yup! That's an 11 yr old boy! Brace yourselves!