Thursday, July 29, 2010

Late Night and Teeth

The night before last Natalie was spending the night at her friends house. The parent was watching a show on the History Channel about ghosts and aliens. Because the other three girls there wanted to watch the show, Natalie watched as well. They all then looked up Area 51 and other things about aliens on the internet. I told that parent that Natalie doesn't watch stuff like that because she is sensitive and has nightmares easily. That parent said she was fine and she needed to watch more stuff like that to get over it.

Well, at 11:50 pm I got a phone call to pick Natalie up because she was "scared and freaking out." Off I went.

I got Natalie to talk to me finally that she was scared from watching that show. That she thought an alien was going to pop out of nowhere and get her. I asked her why she didn't go play instead of watching it if she didn't want to see it. Her response was, "A lot of people already think I'm a scaredy cat, so I didn't want them to think that. I was trying to be brave."

Apparently that parent and her friend have both called her that before.

This didn't make the very happy. If someone is uncomfortable with something, you really don't need to make them do it more to "get over it." She is very impressionable and overly sensitive for some reason. I talked her down, and she finally went to sleep a little after 12:30.

Ugh, kids.

At the very least, I was still up finishing up addressing Christmas cards. I now have birthday and Christmas cards addressed until this time next summer (besides a few addresses I need to confirm)!

* * * * * * * * * *

I was going to post something the other day but forgot. Natalie had an orthodontist appointment on Monday. She is ready to start the process of getting braces! She will go in next week to get a separator between her back teeth so the following week the back bracket can be put on. The 18th of August she will get her braces on! She starts school on the 16th and was hoping to have them on before she started. Oh well. I'm excited because I think she will look super cute with them! :-) I'm a little nervous about the palate expander that will help her upper jaw grow big enough for her teeth. (Right now there is NO way her teeth will all fit in her mouth! Her front four teeth take up the space that the front six teeth should take up.) I've heard it isn't the most comfortable thing...

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

Letting little people that are NOT yours watch shows like this is rubbish crap. If its your kids, at home, with you thats fine but at a sleep over. F that! I am completely unimpressed. As for Nat being a "scaredy cat"...F that too. Shes a little girl and there is NOTHING wrong with being afraid of things. Im still afraid of things and REFUSE to watch certain shows and movies because I know it will do me no good. Not cool dude, not cool. I feel sorry for Nat. That said I did let her watch Alice in Wonderland and that is a bit trippy. Not as trippy as the new one but still she was little. Sorry Nat :)

I think the palate expander will be the most uncomfortable part and Im still surprised Q-tip doesnt need it. Good luck Nat, you are going to look GORGEOUS!