Thursday, April 29, 2010

One Huge Relief

I had my last skills test in clinic today. It was the biggest one I've had yet. I was watched on how I use four of my instruments (aka tools haha) and had to mark where I felt anything on my patients teeth as well as remove it all. There were several parts that were timed, and I was VERY nervous because the only make up day is NEXT Thursday and I have no time to find someone else or get everything done that needs to be done before the test.

I have to redo one of my instruments because I was nervous and was sitting in the wrong place while I used it. But I PASSED everything else!!!!!! I'm pathetically excited and relieved about this!

BTW, I got 100% on my Nutrition Project! :-)

First final next week, then the other 20 (not really, just SIX) the following week. Ugh Don't expect to hear from me during this time! :-)

(380 days until graduation!)


88ender88 said...

Nice progress!
sitting in the wrong place while using your "instrument" is bad then?
was looking up ways to prepare for finals on google and realized you probably have it under control, hah

3HappyHippies said...

Wow chic, so glad you are checking things off the stress list. Before you know it you will be on break again. Lovely, relaxing break. Okay it too is full of things but one can wish and those things are different than the things that fill your day now. Love you chica, keep up the awesome work.

Mom said...

Kudos to you! I'm so proud of you! Hugs!