On March 12th (Ethan's due date!), the kids had crazy hair day at school. I asked them about a week before if they wanted to participate and what they wanted to do. Natalie had it all planned out...she wanted half to be curly and one color and the other half to be in a ponytail and a different color. Ethan thought about it and asked for a mohawk that he could color blue or green. Sure, why not...its just hair! :-)
Of course it was on a day that I already had a bunch to do (and a big test...as always), but we made it happen!!! Half of Nat's hair was in curlers all night, and it turned out pretty good!

Ethan decided that I needed to take pictures from both sides to show their hair. He had Natalie do the same, so I just took the pics!

After school we decided to go to the public library where their schools Reflections Projects were displayed. Natalie's is the top right.

She wasn't thrilled that I was proud of her and wanted to take a picture of her in front of the projects. She wanted to WIN...we had a little talk about that attitude! :-)

The hair turned out GREAT! Super crazy, funny, cool. Way to go mom. Im not sure why she was so disappointed in here Reflections project, I think its awesome that she did it and that it is being displayed.
I LOVE the crazy hair, you did great!!
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