It was a crazy week, but a lot more fun than I thought it would be! Classes were busy as always, but clinic is what I am most interested in. Roby was my patient on Wednesday, and I completed his appointment. It was a lot of fun to actually do something with a patient! He kept giggling at me...I asked him later why, and he said it was funny watching me work. He didn't, however, enjoy the instruments scraping his teeth! He said it made it worse because he had held and messed around with them before! haha Sorry hun!
I got my loupes on Wednesday too! They are worn during treatment of patients and help drastically with posture. Dental professionals get a lot of back and neck injuries over time which can be prevented if they are not leaning over their patients...prevention is key and that's what I want to try to do with these! If I start with good posture, I won't have to BREAK bad habits! :-) My cluster instructor told me on Friday at my conference that I already had pretty good posture, but when I started wearing the loupes on Thursday my posture improved even more! They are pretty amazing to look through!!! Sorry, I'm kind of in love with these!!! :-)

I didn't have a patient scheduled on Thursday, but ten minutes before class started I was given someone elses because they had a fever and were sent home. The lady was very nice, but had a lot going on medically. A second year student came over and helped me with assessment portion (the part that takes us first year students the longest), and I did the cleaning in less than two hours! That's pretty darn good for us! So, I completed a patient in ONE day on our second week seeing patients! WOOHOO!!! haha I was, however, informed that I should have had my unit completely ready every would have been if I had a couple more minutes.
Ethan was my patient Friday (he and Natalie don't count toward our seven required patients, but its "good experience."). He was really good and did everything I asked him to do. Neither of the kids had any cavities! After his appointment, just he and I went to lunch! He chose where we ate (just like Natalie did after her appointment), and we took our time so we could chat and enjoy each others company. It was nice to spend time with JUST him, it doesn't happen much lately!
Yesterday the dental school offered cleanings and dental work to any child in the Omaha metro area that didn't have dental insurance. For some reason or another (some probably weather related) 20-30 kids didn't show up. It was a great experience, and a lot of fun to work with kids! My second year student and I only had one little girl, but I was able to put a sealant on another child, and watch/help out with someone elses patient.
I have three tests on Monday and Tuesday as well as my Power Point and outline due for my disease thing...gotta love it. My skills test in clinic isn't until Thursday, so that's good!
On a non-school related note. (Finally you say!!!) Friday night we had our TUBE tv sitting on one of the couches because we were moving things around...well, at one point Natalie was trying to pull her blanket out from under it (so I was told). Later she plopped down on the floor next to it, and it...fell on her head. Thud, crying...and me running down to the family room to find an dazed Natalie with Ethan trying to hold the tv off her. I'm 90% sure she had a minor concussion. Her eyes were slightly dilated, she said she was dizzy for a minute or two, and she had a throbbing headache until she went to bed. I guess we know NOT to do that again!!! :-( I had her put ice on it even as she went to bed, and I can't tell if there is a bump now or not (we all have bumpy heads!)...ugh!!! I checked on her at least four times that night, I'm a worry wort, what can I say?!!? Poor thing...
Now back to studying!
1 comment:
OMG poor Nat...that is pretty scary.
So glad that you and Ethan had that one on one time. Q-tip wants to go with me to get a pedicure, which he told J about and he got all huffy. He really wants one too! We might end up making it a family thing...LOL!
Good job chica, 4 weeks down.
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