Monday was a busy day. On purpose. To start it off, I took the kids to see Alvin and the Chipmunks 2. Ethan's friend went along and my friend and her three boys met us there. It was a lot cuter than I thought it would be!
After that, just Natalie and I did a bunch of errands while the boys hung out at Ethan's friends'. We first went to the bank so Natalie could open her own savings account! The kids got quite a bit of money for Christmas. More than I thought they needed to spend on toys and things they didn't really need. I told them that a certain amount needed to be spent on something they needed (clothes, something for school or their room, etc), or it would need to go in the bank. Ethan quickly decided to put his money in the bank. Natalie at first was excited to open a savings account, then tried to back out of it. We went anyway, she was hesitant, but after was very excited and glad she did! (Sorry for the repetition, I wrote this before I wrote yesterdays post!)
Some of her money was in my account as I didn't want the kids carrying around a bunch of cash. This pic is of her signing the check so her money could get deposited into her OWN account!

After a couple more errands, she spent the last of her "spending" Christmas money on more Polly Pocket toys, then just the two of us went to dinner. She wanted me to make pancakes, bacon and sausage...but we ran out of time and she still got everything she wanted. (At her request, I made waffles for breakfast the next morning!) Then we headed to the dentist. Tears and all.
She did NOT eat all that food!

She had been crying and we had been talking about it for a FULL week. I was trying my hardest to be as calm and reassuring as possible. Roby talked to her, Gma Nan talked to her, even Uncle Nathan talked to her! By the time we got there, I just wanted to get it over so we could all get the stress of it behind us.
The fabulous hygienist there made sure that it was scheduled when she was there so she could help out. She took me aside while Natalie was brushing her teeth and asked me how things were going and how we should proceed. (Per their suggestion, I did give her some Motrin and Benadryl before hand to help with any pain after, and hopefully help her be sleepy during/after...) Before we started to head back, the hygienist told Nat, "We have a rule, if you follow directions, your mom can come with you. But if you don't, she has to go to the waiting area." We started to walk back, Natalie didn't want to walk. The hygienist firmly grabbed Nat by the arm, and said, "Ok, then, if you won't listen, mom will just stay out here." She looked at me and winked. Natalie started walking and I was right behind her. LOVE that trick.
As we got to the chair, big tears and sobs started. I took my place out of the way but close enough to hold both her hands, the hygienist sat at the foot of the chair. She asked Natalie what she was most scared of. More sobs and tears. As she was about to tell Nat that I would have to leave, I told Natalie that I was going to count to five, then she needed to stop crying so she could answer (this is something I have done with the kids since they were little to help calm them down, works about 1/2 the time!). At about three, Natalie said, "Getting the shot!" The hygienist replied, "Ok, that's understandable, you're allowed to be scared and cry for that, but nothing else then, ok?"
They put topical numbing gel on both sides for a couple minutes before giving her the "shots." The first one was easier, the second one hit the nerve or something because Nat was not happy about it. Within seconds she was saying that her lip was fuzzy and felt fat. Perfect!!! They let it soak in for another five or ten minutes while they took two x-rays and talked to her. I think this helped calm her down a lot too as the "most scary" part was over.
When it was time to extract those pesky teeth, they simply said in a cheery voice, "Its time!" I held both her hands and promptly looked away as the Doc quickly sat down behind her, the assistant grabbed her head, the hygienist was standing ready to assist. At first Natalie wouldn't open wide enough and said, "I don't want you to use the pliers!!! I don't want you to use the pliers!!!" But she opened, he pulled, she squealed once. He pulled, it flew across the room, pulled again, slipped, Natalie said, "Can you please please stop?!" As he pulled one last time and said, "OK, we're done!" (Don't you love that she still used manners?!?!)
And that was that! It took him a whopping five minutes or less to pull her three teeth!
We sat in the chair together rocking for a bit as she bit on gauze to stop the bleeding. After the assistant changed it once, we were on our way. We picked up some rainbow sherbet, and G Force to watch as we cuddled on the couch.
The fabulous hygienist there made sure that it was scheduled when she was there so she could help out. She took me aside while Natalie was brushing her teeth and asked me how things were going and how we should proceed. (Per their suggestion, I did give her some Motrin and Benadryl before hand to help with any pain after, and hopefully help her be sleepy during/after...) Before we started to head back, the hygienist told Nat, "We have a rule, if you follow directions, your mom can come with you. But if you don't, she has to go to the waiting area." We started to walk back, Natalie didn't want to walk. The hygienist firmly grabbed Nat by the arm, and said, "Ok, then, if you won't listen, mom will just stay out here." She looked at me and winked. Natalie started walking and I was right behind her. LOVE that trick.
As we got to the chair, big tears and sobs started. I took my place out of the way but close enough to hold both her hands, the hygienist sat at the foot of the chair. She asked Natalie what she was most scared of. More sobs and tears. As she was about to tell Nat that I would have to leave, I told Natalie that I was going to count to five, then she needed to stop crying so she could answer (this is something I have done with the kids since they were little to help calm them down, works about 1/2 the time!). At about three, Natalie said, "Getting the shot!" The hygienist replied, "Ok, that's understandable, you're allowed to be scared and cry for that, but nothing else then, ok?"
They put topical numbing gel on both sides for a couple minutes before giving her the "shots." The first one was easier, the second one hit the nerve or something because Nat was not happy about it. Within seconds she was saying that her lip was fuzzy and felt fat. Perfect!!! They let it soak in for another five or ten minutes while they took two x-rays and talked to her. I think this helped calm her down a lot too as the "most scary" part was over.
When it was time to extract those pesky teeth, they simply said in a cheery voice, "Its time!" I held both her hands and promptly looked away as the Doc quickly sat down behind her, the assistant grabbed her head, the hygienist was standing ready to assist. At first Natalie wouldn't open wide enough and said, "I don't want you to use the pliers!!! I don't want you to use the pliers!!!" But she opened, he pulled, she squealed once. He pulled, it flew across the room, pulled again, slipped, Natalie said, "Can you please please stop?!" As he pulled one last time and said, "OK, we're done!" (Don't you love that she still used manners?!?!)
And that was that! It took him a whopping five minutes or less to pull her three teeth!
We sat in the chair together rocking for a bit as she bit on gauze to stop the bleeding. After the assistant changed it once, we were on our way. We picked up some rainbow sherbet, and G Force to watch as we cuddled on the couch.
She did fall asleep in the car for about ten minutes. That was a LOT of work!

It took her a while to form blood clots in the sockets of the canines (they had their full roots as kids don't lose them until they usually around 11), I think in part due to the amount she as talking. I had to tell her over and over to stop! :-) When we got home she used one of her little notebooks to write me notes on instead of talking. It was quite adorable! She kept getting frustrated because I would guess what she was going to say before she was finished writing!
After the movie, I figured 9:00 was as good a time for bed as any. It had been a long day. I wanted her to sleep with me just so I could keep an eye on her. She kept tossing and turning and an hour later asked to go to her bed. I guess that's what happens when you rarely sleep with your kids! Within minutes of being in her own bed she was out!
She woke up the next day with some swelling, but very minimal pain. We're still avoiding sharp, hard foods as her gums are quite sensitive. But she's doing really well and is VERY happy that its over! Now she's complaining that she doesn't want braces! ;-)
She woke up the next day with some swelling, but very minimal pain. We're still avoiding sharp, hard foods as her gums are quite sensitive. But she's doing really well and is VERY happy that its over! Now she's complaining that she doesn't want braces! ;-)
Although Ethan made fun of her...uhh...large front teeth once (that I was so kind to pass on to her), he quickly learned that that wasn't going to happen again. I think she looks rather adorable, crooked teeth and all! :-)

1 comment:
I think Nat is adorable as ever and such a brave girl. I (as usual) got a bit emotional hearing about her teeth pulling experience but am so proud of her. Nat, you are a ROCK STAR! You are one step closer to an even more beautiful smile than you already have. And chica you are GORGEOUS already. LOVE YOU!
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