Monday, January 25, 2010

Snow Fort

The snow we've had since before Christmas is still hanging around. On the 10th of this month Ethan was playing outside and grabbed the regular shovel to make himself a snow fort! He started digging in one of the snow banks (thanks to the snowplows...) on one side of our drive. The other snow bank he used for a ramp to slide down on the sled.

He was having a blast!

Digging with his hands too.


Back to the shovel!

Throwing the snow out of his fort!

Up until a couple days ago we hadn't had temperatures above freezing so his fort hadn't changed! He would still go out there and play in it after school and on the weekend!!! We have gotten some freezing rain and some 32-35 degree temps and it full fledged rained Friday night! The snow banks are still so high along the sides of the streets its hard to see past them when trying to pull out, but some of its melting!!!

1 comment:

88ender88 said...

you totally stole our winter!!