I know I'm taking forever with these pictures...I don't seem to be getting much done lately. I have TONS to do, but I'd rather play Picturika, watch movies, or just be lazy with the kids! ;-)
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Thank you to everyone who thought of us this holiday season, and an extra thank you to everyone who sent such generous gifts!!! We were all very spoiled this Christmas!I was going to post this and the next picture on Christmas, but forgot to add them!
Our tree.
Our tree.

Our stockings hanging above the fireplace!
(I learned how to turn the fireplace on JUST for this picture!!!)

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I don't know why, but every year I'm amazed that I am awake and ready to go before the kids! They like their morning sleep! Especially Natalie! I waited until about 8:30 when Ethan got up, then I had to get her up too!
Here are a couple movie clips from Christmas morning. Don't mind my table covered in Christmas stuff, or my messy desk!!! And sorry about the sound difference, apparently I'm much louder on the video camera than just with my point-and-shoot!!! ;-)
Here are a couple movie clips from Christmas morning. Don't mind my table covered in Christmas stuff, or my messy desk!!! And sorry about the sound difference, apparently I'm much louder on the video camera than just with my point-and-shoot!!! ;-)
Part 1: Me waking Nat up. She was complaining that the light on the video camera was too bright!
Part 2: The kids getting their stockings. The first part, Natalie said, "Santa took the cookies!"
Part 3: Opening their BIG present from Santa! Sorry about how "excited" I was...and loud!
Part 4: Opening their gifts from each other. They picked them out and were VERY excited to give them to each other!
Ethan's FAVORITE stocking stuffer! A Steelers Terrible Towel!!!

A very excited (yes, this is Ethan excited!) Ethan after reading his card from Gpa Bob!

Natalie excited to get a card/note from Uncle Nathan!

Ethan reading a card from GiGi.

Nat was so proud to be reading her cards by herself! She did need a little help with GiGi's cursive, but she got most of it!

Ethan reading his card from Uncle Nathan.

Natalie reading her card from Gpa Bob.

And then it was time for gifts!!!
Ooooo See all those little parts and beads?!?! I'm so excited!!! ;-) Perfect gifts! haha Nataie has already bugged me several times to make bracelets/necklaces and Ethan didn't hesitate to put his Legos together!

They were thrilled! Nat's had Hannah on it (surprise! haha for a kid who's mom refuses to buy Hannah stuff, she sure gets a LOT! I love it!), and Ethan got an X-Games one. I'm thrilled too because now they can stop using the couch pillows!

The kids had a school store where they could buy gifts for family members. Natalie got Ethan this COOL jet. I'm sure if I asked Roby or Ethan what it was they could tell me...not going to bother now, need to get this pictures posted!

So, there! Finally, part one of Christmas pictures! Part two tomorrow!!! I hope everyone had a fabulous Christmas!!!
I love the video and how happy they are throughout the whole opening process. Q-tip was so mechanical most of the time. Dude I just got all teary eyed reading that Roby wrote them a note. Wow I am an emotional FREAK! Love that he did this though.
I also got teary eyed reading about that =]
Looks like you guys had a wonderful Christams. Loved the video. What a great idea to do that. Happy New Years.
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