Wednesday, September 02, 2009

My Little Brownie

Natalie had her first Brownie (Girl Scout) meeting today! She has been talking of nothing else for the last couple of weeks! It was more of an informative meeting for parents, but next week it will be a "real" meeting. Then just every-other Wednesday I believe...unless there are events.

Fonda totally rocks and got Natalie her vest, and put her troop patches on!!! I need to repay her somehow!!!

Sooooo cute!

BIG grin!

Ethan went along because Wednesday's are "long days" and I thought he'd rather come along than stay home.

So big!

As the parents of various groups (there were three age groups all meeting at the same time to figure things out for each group) finished up, the girls played "Sleeping Beauty."

Natalie's turn.

Before that, they made cards to send to "Service men and women." I thought that was pretty cool!

Nat and Nikole

And Ethan! :-)

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Ethan about gave me a heart attach today. (Here's the short version:) He was "supposed" to stay home because he didn't feel well. At least that's what we discussed on the phone at 7:10 when I was already at school. I told him I would call him when I got done with class at 12:30. When I called, he didn't answer. My heart stopped. I immediately freaked. On my way home (instead of going straight to the other collage) I thought to call the school to see if he had shown up. I mentioned that I called to say he wouldn't be there, but that I couldn't get a hold of him at home. They instantly knew who I was talking about because they thought it was weird that he was at school. UGH I don't know what goes through a ten-year-old boys head, but telling your mom where you are going to be is not on the top of that list. Lets just say that he's in trouble, although I'm not 100% sure of his punishment yet. I'm thinking something along the lines of reading articles online about kids who get kidnapped...

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School is busy! They keeping adding things upon things! We have meetings to go to after school, during school, and self-study homework that we have tests on without ever talking about the material...those darn quizzes every class, every day...quick talking teachers with more information than we can possibly write down (EVER)...and so so so much more! On Friday we are using a probe in each others MOUTHS!!!!!!! Scary! haha I'm actually a little nervous because two of the other four people in my group are terrified and have actually said that they don't want to do it and are scared of "tearing up someones mouth." That really doesn't make me want to be their patient! :-( We'll see if I have bleeding gingival tissue (gums) by noon on Friday! ;-)


3HappyHippies said...

The brownie thing is cute. I got a paper from Q-tips school on cub scouts yesterday and as soon as I saw it said "We are NOT doing this" and turned it over. He didnt seem to mind much but did inquire on what day the meeting was. Um dude, seriously?! And people think its just me.

As for Ethan...I think the story thing would be good and bad both. No need to scare the crap out of him but definintely get him knowledgable on the consiquences of his actions when others are not informed. I would have been beyond freaked and totally on the fence for a punishment as well. Good luck.

And now school...WOW! You are doing so well now so just stay focused. I would be nervous about some shaky fool putting that probe in my mouth too. Im not sure if I could refrain from slapping them if they hurt me.

88ender88 said...

you're SO BUSY.. how nice you post these.
Natalie is adorable!
hah, Ethan! reminds me of an infamous adventure we took ourselves, to circle K after the ice cream truck. prolly thinkin the same thing i was, "what? i can do this fine myself." lol
i'd say his realizing should be the main thing, not so much being busted. growing up!

OH GREAT, fools with probes in your mouth. LOL oh man. you're going to do great. taking up all the crafty new projects around home you've never done is the same sort of thing you're workin on now. try to stay confident, have fun with it, laugh and learn from your mistakes. i know it's important, not saying take it lightly. as long as you keep your head in the game and focused on what you're doing you'll continue to rock the system.
you always do.

Morgan said...

I always wanted to be in Girl Scouts so I think this is totally rad. Good luck with everything. I'm sooo glad your still posting =]