I completely forgot about the boat ride (aka Sea Dragon most of the way down the page) in yesterday's post! We went on the boat ride before going on the BIG roller coaster. Natalie and I sat in the middle because I know I don't like it and didn't think she would either. Ethan and Roby sat at the end...I have no idea why. Roby later said that he had never been on it before because he was always too scared when he was younger. After the second swing, Natalie had her head down on the bar and was saying that she wanted it to stop, "RIGHT NOW!" When I told her I thought it was slowing down, she said, "No its not!" Then the tires/breaks kicked in (quite loudly). Natalie's response??? Something along the lines of terror and "I really don't like that, that freaked me out!" I can't remember her exact words, but I was cracking up for a good five minutes! Roby told me that Ethan was on the verge of furious! He was not liking the ride either! He really really wanted it to stop! To put it nicely, we did not go on that one again! :-)
* * * * * * * * * *
After the Prowler, I tried to get Ethan to go on the Boomerang with me. He wouldn't do it! So we headed over to a different section of the park.
After the Prowler, I tried to get Ethan to go on the Boomerang with me. He wouldn't do it! So we headed over to a different section of the park.

A while later we went on a Ferris wheel. Natalie was quite nervous about this. But after going around twice she relaxed.

The Patriot. Ethan was tall enough to go on this, but didn't want anything to do with it (you are hanging from it instead of riding on top of the rails)...so we didn't go on it at all.

A pic of Roby and Ethan. Ethan did like that Roby was leaning forward and back, so rocking the seat! He isn't too comfortable with heights either!

After the Ferris wheel, Roby and Ethan road a little go-cart. Natalie and I sat and watched.
(Don't mind the spastic hair...the result of getting sprayed with water several times.)

Natalie's turn. I think Roby realized that they could do it on their own. :-)
The kids fell asleep within ten minutes of leaving the park. It was only a twenty minute drive to the hotel, so they didn't get much of a nap!
Ethan got a Snoopy souvenir.

After Roby and I got a much needed nap in (we're getting old! haha), we headed out for dinner. I had never eaten at a Cracker Barrel, and there was one across the street, so we went there. It looked like a decent area, so I was surprised to see this sign:

Day two tomorrow!
(But only if I get my homework done...)
(But only if I get my homework done...)
1 comment:
Hearing how much the kids avoided most of the rides reminds me why J is not so interested in taking the boys to another theme park any time soon. That said the ones you do go on and walking around is SO MUCH FUN! I love the kids reactions, I am busting up and I wasnt even there. I also think its awesome ya'll did the penny machine. I was laughing again when it started to get hard and the kids needed help, Q-tip always needs help too. OMG you went to the Cracker Barrel, I have only heard good things about that resturant and REALLY want to go. We passed one while traveling but werent hungry at the time. Maybe I will have to see where the closest one is and make a road trip. If we could travel through Europe via our stomachs Im sure we can do it here too.
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