Be prepared to be grossed out!!!
For the most part, living in our own house is absolutely fabulous!!! The feeling of driving into our neighborhood is completely different than driving into military housing. The feel of living in a house compared to an apartment/duplex is an even bigger change. Feeling responsible for a house is a surprisingly good feeling as well. I think we only have a couple hundred square feet more than any of our previous places, but it feels like a lot more. Its hard to explain it all, but it does feel good! There are always down sides...the main part, being that the previous owner(s) were not exactly clean people. And they had two dogs and at least one cat. I spent a good 12 hours cleaning the day we got the keys to our house. And countless more in the weeks following. I'm no where close to being where I want to be with it either. I see myself going room to room at some point like I did for our home inspection in the military house. Oh well, it will be worth it!
This is just one of the 8-10 canisters full from my vacuuming that day. All together now, "Ewwwww!"

This was one of the two hardest things for me. I pulled the refrigerator out to clean it really well before we brought our food and everything over. I soon realized that it had never been cleaned. Ever. There was still tape on the glass shelving from when it was bought. Again, "Ewwwwww!"

Then I looked up into the ice/water dispenser and saw that it was covered in food/mold. I was beyond grossed out. I couldn't handle cleaning it at that point. Thank goodness for Fonda and her clean ways! When she came over later that evening, she jumped right in and cleaned it for me! This is just some of the nastiness that was up in there!

I don't know how anyone could use it with it like that!?!?!
I think the worst of it right now is that there is cat urine throughout the house. For the most part, it's a spot here and a spot there. I can handle that. But what is to be Natalie's room was used as a little box. I thought it was a few spots...but as I went to clean those areas, it turns out that almost the entire perimeter is marked with cat pee. It is soooo nasty and wrong. From talking to people, research, and common cleaning is ever going to get that smell, or the stains, all the way out. We are most likely going to have to replace the carpet in her room. UGH For sure not something we planned on.
I promise...tomorrows post will be much more positive!!! :-)
WOW!! That fridge was GROSS!! Then the water spout, OMG! Cat pee is the worse for smell, and your right about not getting it out. Once it's in the carpets your done. Happy Wednesday =]
OMG that is WAY worse than I had imagined. Okay I knew it was gross but words alone can not describe that nastiness you encountered. Damn girl, you rock. Thats some major determination, I am impressed. Oh and the inside of your fridge looks EXACTLY like the inside of mine (the clean picture, D'oh). Interesting...
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