The other day I went to a home improvement type store. Not one of the bigger chain stores, it seems to be mainly in the Midwest??? I'm not sure. Anyway, I was getting some topsoil to fill in a spot in the backyard here where the dogs have made a groove from running. While there I figured I could see if they had any wall appliques. At first I only saw a small handful. I was a bit disappointed as they were for small kids (Pooh, Dora, etc). After thinking my search there was over, I noticed some mixed in with wall boarders. There were three that I liked, and after much debated, I decided on one! I honestly don't like it quite as much as the flower one from my previous post...but for what I got and the price ($9.99 for 43 compared to $23 for 15), I was more than willing to compromise!!! I got two packs as they were the last ones!

Don't worry, we are not putting any kind of wallpaper up! Ewwww!!!
(More for my dislike of it eventually pealing and the annoyance of trying to get it off down the road than anything!)

I tried to take pictures of the appliques with the paint color (I still think we're going with the darker of the two purples)...but pictures are so hard to get the actual color.

Oh well, you get the idea!
I think she will love it! Even if she outgrows it in a couple years, it was only $20 and I can just peel them off!!!
While I was there, I also got a GIANT cork board for Ethan's room! Its just the cork board, no wood boarder, and its a gray color. Its about an inch longer than his desk, and about three feet tall. I'm not planning on letting them put their drawings all over their doors like they have done here, and thought that would be the perfect solution! He can also put his weekly spelling lists on it, so he stops losing them! I may have to go back and get one for Natalie's room as well! It was only $10 and a fabulous thing for a kids room!
While I was there, I also got a GIANT cork board for Ethan's room! Its just the cork board, no wood boarder, and its a gray color. Its about an inch longer than his desk, and about three feet tall. I'm not planning on letting them put their drawings all over their doors like they have done here, and thought that would be the perfect solution! He can also put his weekly spelling lists on it, so he stops losing them! I may have to go back and get one for Natalie's room as well! It was only $10 and a fabulous thing for a kids room!
I'm getting more and more excited! I just want to be there already!!!
I love these stickers and do not see her outgrowing them any time soon. They should last her for quite some time. Still in love with the cork as well...and because Im crazy like that I would totally do stripes with both purples in her room. Horizontal 3 foot think stripes, it would be freaking awesome and so cute. Not to mention easy, just a little measuring and taping.
Those stickers rock!
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