The flowers in the front walkway have really grown!!! (Although I'm thinking the lilies didn't make it.) They look so pretty when we get home! I guess its the ONE good thing about living in this house! ;-) I would love to take them with us to the new house, especially because Grandma Nan helped us plant them...but I don't know if I will have the energy or time to dig them up and make a place for them at the new house quick enough. (The place that I would like to put flowers at the new house will require a lot of work before planting anything new.) We had our home pre-inspection on Wednesday, and because we are cleaning our house ourselves (instead of hiring someone), we received a very detailed list of what needs to be done. We are not dirty people, so it won't be too bad, but it will be time consuming to get this list complete.
Anyway, here are a couple pictures of pretty flowers!!!

Even with your super funky weather it seems they have survived and beautiful they are.
Your flowers are very pretty. I bet your going to do even more planting at the new house =] I'm still soooooo excited for you guys about buying a house.
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