Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Natalie's 7th Birthday Party -- Craft

We had Natalie's birthday party on Saturday, and she had a blast! I asked parents to RSVP by Thursday...only two had by Thursday afternoon. Two more did Thursday after 8pm. Another three did Friday, and other two did Saturday (one just thirty minutes before the party!). Two didn't show up, but she still had seven friends there! A good turnout if you ask me! First on our agenda was to paint little wood boxes I got from Michael's. I thought this would be a fun activity and by adding a bracelet and ring, it would be a much nicer parting gift than a goodie bag full of things that will end up in the garbage in a few days.

Roby helping put pain on paper plates as the girls started painting.

I got a pack of twelve paintbrushes figuring they could share and I could wash them as they wanted to change colors. Let me tell you, I spent a LOT of time washing those paintbrushes!

Roby being silly!
(Don't mind his mustache! Its "March mustache month," which we are all glad is almost over!)

They all got quiet in concentration!

Taking her time.

They often stopped to see what each other were doing. It was quite entertaining to listen to their conversations!

Nat wasn't thrilled when she would get some on her hands. She had to wash her hands at least three times while painting.

The box in front of Natalie is one I made a couple days before her party. I wanted to make sure the paint I got would work for the project (the boxes are a really soft wood), and that it would dry quickly. I also wanted to show the girls what they would be doing. Don't tell anyone, but I secretly just wanted to paint one!!! ;-)

Almost done!

Some girls were much quicker than others. One took a good fifteen minutes longer than everyone else! She wanted to add extra detail to everything!

As we ate pizza, we let the boxes dry. After pizza they played in Natalie's room and I called them in one at a time to add jewels to the top/sides. They were surprised and LOVED that they were able to add a little extra sparkle! Just before they left I put some of the stuff you put in the bottom of Easter baskets (the paper kind not the annoying plastic, staticy kind), with a beaded bracelet and super cute ring from Claire's. I'll try to remember to take a picture of Natalie's box sometime soon!

Happy 7th Birthday Natalie!!!


Anonymous said...

What a great Mom you are! I'm so blessed that you married my son! Looks like the girls had a great time!

3HappyHippies said...

Looks like so much fun, I so would have painted a box too...for an example of course ;) Cant wait to see the goods inside. Oh and choosing the paper was a great idea, at least they can recycle it if they choose.

A very Happy Birthday to "Matalie" indeed!