Saturday, March 14, 2009

Big Saver

For Ethan's birthday, Great Grandma Harris gave him some money specifically to help him open a savings account. I had been wanting to do this for him (well both of them!) for a long time, but it was something that just hasn't happened. His face lit up when he read the card from her talking about having his own bank account! After his birthday, and birthday party, Roby and I were sick. Then I was either busy with school or forgot about it.

On Monday, Ethan walked up to me and said, "Mom, we need to go to the bank. I haven't written Grandma Harris a thank you card yet and I bet she's sad that she hasn't gotten it."

Ok, I needed to get myself in gear and get to the bank! I had researched banks and decided on one that has branches in a lot of states (esp those that we are from and have family in), and has no fees for children's savings accounts. Wednesday after school we headed over before we could get busy doing anything else!!!

A very excited Ethan!

Waiting to see someone to open his account.

All done with the paperwork, now just waiting for the deposit slip!

When the banker handed him the deposit slip, he got a huge smile seeing his account balance! He is very proud of it! He was asking me all kinds of questions about how he could put more money in the account and what he could do with it someday. I'm sure the balance will grow slowly, but having it is beyond fabulous...and it will grow!!!

1 comment:

3HappyHippies said...

Have a savings account is a great thing and the earlier the better. I see many change earning tasks in this guys near future.