Friday, February 06, 2009

Still Good

Max has always loved tennis balls. He has several that are "outside balls." He knows he is not allowed to bring these in the house. Even with several inches of snow, he would dig the frozen tennis balls up and run around the yard with them. When I would call him back in the house, he would drop them on the step with a loud thud.

Trying to get it.

Almost have it...

So proud of himself!

(I think Maggie was just cold and wanted to come in!)

1 comment:

Tasmomma said...

LOL!!! That is awesome!!! I would love to have a dog like that! Pippen just stares at me like I'm stupid when I throw him a ball...he used to love it but he's overweight now and I can't seem to get him to run around for anything. :(