As the kids were looking at various creatures, I took a couple videos that entertained me. I'm not a huge fan of water, but there is something extremely peaceful about watching fish and other things swim. So, here is my "Peaceful Creatures" video (although its a bit loud):
When we were done in the aquarium, we headed over to the Butterfly Garden. We spent more time there this time than we have before. It was not as crowded, which let the kids wonder and look longer without feeling hurried.

In the rain forest building there is a bridge next to a waterfall that goes over a stream below. This is Natalie's second time here, and she has refused to cross it.
Fonda trying to convince her that it would be ok (as I gave up try to push her).

Nat conquering the bridge!!!
(Me trying to get her to go, then her finally doing it!)
Second time around!

It was really hot in there (especially after being outside in 15 degree weather!), sticking their hands in the waterfall helped!

The last stop for the day was an area that had all kinds of learning activities. By that point I was quite tired and my camera's battery had died (I forgot to charge it). The kids ran around looking at various things while Fonda and I sat in the middle watching them. Before we left, they all wanted a picture as a snowman!

In the car on the way home, Ethan and Nat were quite content and asked me to take a picture of them. My battery was dead, so I used my phone 'cause I couldn't pass up the moment!

1 comment:
I'll come back later to see if the pictures are fixed...Love the bridge video though. I would have been totally spooked too. In the Netherland there was a bridge like that and crossing for Aiden almost put me in tears. I hate things like that. Nat, you are so brave! You're my hero!
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